

Telehealth is the use of phones, computers, tablets or other devices to connect with your mental health provider remotely.

What's Telehealth?

Telepsych (also known as telehealth, telemental health, and telepsychology) is the use of phones, computers, tablets or other devices to connect with your mental health provider remotely. You may also hear this referred to as virtual visits.

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Video Sessions

Our providers use a HIPAA compliant video platform that allows them to see you, and you to see them, without having to leave your home. This allows for the most authentic interaction, and is the option most similar to in-person meetings. Video sessions allow your therapist and psychiatrist to take into account your facial expressions and body language during your session, as we normally would during in-person sessions. It also allows you to see your doctor, allowing for a more emotionally open conversation. Our platform works on laptops, tablets (with a forward facing camera) and cellphones.


Phone Sessions

If video is not an option, we can also conduct therapy and psychiatry sessions over the phone. Studies have shown that phone sessions can be very beneficial, especially if it means having access to your provider in challenging times when coming into an office may not be an option. If you are torn between phone and video, discuss the options with your doctor. They will be happy to go over the pros and cons, and even give you a demonstration of each.


4315 N. Ranch Dr. #110, Las Vegas, NV 89130

Our Hours

9AM - 5PM
Monday - Friday

Contact Us

Phone: +702-444-0768

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